ECE Department Association

Academic Year: 2024-2025

S.No. Date Event details Name of the Resource Person Photo
1 28/01/2025 Guest Lecture on “Personality Development” Mr.R.Arun Kumar, S/M & Operations Head, SKAIT IT Education Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore Constra
2 28/09/2024 Wire Wizards Competition Dr.R.Suresh Babu, Professor & Head/ECE. Constra
3 27/09/2024 & 28/09/2024 Hands on Training in "Modelling and simulation of LT spice - Design Failure Mode and Analysis" Mr.T.Senthil Kumar, Senior Hardware Engineer, L&T technology service, Chennai. Constra
4 06/08/2024 Guest lecture on “ Building IoT systems using Blynk Software” Mr.P.C.Stalin, CEO, Emsol Systems, Chennai. Constra
5 02/08/2024 Hands on Training in “Webpage Development using HTML” Mr.S.Thanga Pandian, Manager & Ms.R.Karthiga, Senior Software Trainer, SSi Education, Madurai Constra

Academic Year: 2022-2023

S.No. Date Event details Name of the Resource Person Photo
1 30.07.2022 Guest Lecture on Convolutional Neural Network and its Application Dr.V.Sathiesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics, Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai Constra
2 30.07.2022 Guest Lecture on Skill Expectation for Core Industries Mr.M.Chinna thambi, Senior Manager, M/S Viasat India(I) Pvt, Ltd, Chennai. Constra
3 23.09.2022 Poster Presentation - Recent Trends in Electronics Judges: Dr.T.Prathiba, Hod/ECE & Dr.T.Pandiselvi, AP/ECE Constra
4 24.09.2022 Project Contest on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Judge: Mrs.C.Nagavani, AP/ECE Constra