Pottramarai has attended Symposiums-Project Expo held at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology on 23-06-2017
Gayathri M has attended Symposiums -Project Expo held at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology on 23-06-2017
Vijaysriram has attended Workshop On Python Programming held at Kamaraj College Of Engineering & Technology on 27-10-2017
M.Melanshia Violet has attended Hands On Training On Machine Learning Techniques For Research Applications held at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology on 04-08-2018
Jeyapriya has attended Hands-On Training On Machine Learning Technologies For Research Applications held at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology on 04-08-2018
Subha M has attended Hands-On Training On Machine Learning Techniques For Research Applications held at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology on 04-08-2018
Abirami T has attended Hands-On Training On Machine Learning Techniques For Research Applications held at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology on 04-08-2018
GayathriM has attended Python Programming Workshop held at Redsun Soft Tech Pvt.Ltd,Chennai on 26-08-2018
M.Melanshia Violet has attended Symposiums -Techyuga 18 held at Ramco Institute Of Technology on 31-08-2018
Abirami T has attended Internship on Application Development In Python on 17-12-2018 at Phoenix Softech
Subha M has completed Certification course on Android App Development Online Winter Training from 01-12-2018 to 05-02-2019 at Internshala Trainings
Subha Mhas attended Internship on Application Development In Python from 07-12-2018 to 17-12-2018 at Phoenix Softech
Pottramarai has attended Internship on Application Development In Python from 07-12-2018 to 17-12-2018 at Phoenix Softech
T has attended Internship on Application Development In Python from 07-12-2018 to 17-12-2018 at Phoenix Softech
M.V has attended Internship on Application Development In Pythonfrom 07-12-2018 to 17-12-2018 at Phoenix Softech
Sneha M has completed Certification courses on Web Development on 24-01-2019 at Internshala
Arathy has attended Workshop on Cybersecurity An Artificial Intelligence held at Thiagarajar College Of Engineering on 11-03-2019
M.Melanshia Violet has completed Certification course on Database Management And Systems through NPTEL during the period Feb-Apr 2019
M.MelanshiaViolet has attended “Workshop Session On Power Bi With Hands On Lab” on 24-01-2019.
Subha M has attended “Workshop Session On Power Bi With Hands On Lab” on 24-01-2019.
HariniPriya P has attended “Techutsav 2k19” symposium conducted by Thiagarajar College Of Engineering on 11-03-2019
Arathy has attended “Techutsav 2k19” symposium conducted by Thiagarajar College Of Engineering on 11-03-2019
HariniPriya Phas attended “Techutsav 2k19” symposium conducted by Thiagarajar College Of Engineering on 11-03-2019
HariniPriya P has attended “International Conference On Contemporary Engineering And Technology “ symposium conducted by Prince ShriVenkateshwaraPadmavathy Engineering College on 11-04-2019
M.Melanshia Violet has completed the certification in NPTEL on “Database Management And Systems” from Feb-Apr 2019
Thas completed the certification in NPTEL on “Database Management And Systems” from Feb-Apr 2019
Khas done Internship in “Application Development In Java” from 05-06-2019 to 20-06-2019 organized by Phoenix Infotech
Sangavi has attended “Workshop Session On Cyber Security And Hacking” on 07-07-2019 organized by Livewire
D.Rajashree has attended “Aws Innovate 2019 Online Conference” on 18-07-2019 organized by Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology
Sangavi has attended “Aws Innovate 2019 Online Conference” on 18-07-2019 organized by Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology
Subha Mhas completed the certification in Online Course On "Introduction ToCloud Computing"on 28-07- 2019 in Udemy Platform
D. Rajashree has completed the certification in “Online course on Java”"on 23-08- 2019 in Solo Learn
G.A has attended “Symposium - Gennext2019” ( State Level Technical Symposium )“conducted Velammal College Of Engineering And Technologyon 30-08-2019
Janani has attended “Symposium - Gennext2019” ( State Level Technical Symposium ) conducted Velammal College Of Engineering And Technology on 30-08-2019
HariniPriya . P has attended “Symposium - Augusta 19”( National Level Technical Symposium ) conducted AAA College Of Engineering And Technology on 05-09-2019
Subha M has completed the certification in Online Course On "Amazon Web Services : Cloud Formation"on 06-09- 2019 in Udemy Platform
Subha M has completed the certification in Online Course On "Oracle Cloud Infrastructure"on 06-09- 2019 in Udemy Platform
Lakshmi Priya has attended “Symposium - Augusta 19”( National Level Technical Symposium ) conducted byAAA College Of Engineering And Technology on 06-09-2019
HariniPriya . Phas attended “Symposium - Erupta 19”( National Level Technical Symposium ) conducted bySethu Institute Of Technologyon 12-09-2019
Z has attended “Symposium - Erupta 19”( National Level Technical Symposium ) conducted by Sethu Institute Of Technology on 12-09-2019
Gayathri M has attended “Symposium - Erupta 19”( National Level Technical Symposium ) conducted by Sethu Institute Of Technology on 12-09-2019
S has attended “Symposium - Erupta 19”( National Level Technical Symposium ) conducted by Sethu Institute Of Technology on 12-09-2019
HariniPriya .P has attended “Symposium –Reflechir 19”( National Level Technical Symposium ) conducted by K.L.N College Of Engineeringon 14-09-2019
Subha M has completed the certification in Online Course On "Java Basics For Beginners : Learn Java Fundamentals" from 18-11-2019 to 22-11-2019 in E Box conducted by Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology
Pottramaraihas completed the certification in Online Course On "Java Basics For Beginners : Learn Java Fundamentals" from 18-11-2019 to 22-11-2019 in E Box conducted by Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology
Thas completed the certification in Online Course On "Java Basics For Beginners : Learn Java Fundamentals" from 18-11-2019 to 22-11-2019 in E Box conducted by Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology
Jhas completed the certification in Online Course On "Java Basics For Beginners : Learn Java Fundamentals" from 18-11-2019 to 22-11-2019 in E Box conducted by Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology
Arathy has done Internship in “Mobile App Development Using Android” from 21-11-2019 to 07-12-2019 organized by Phoenix Infotech
Keerthana has done Internship in “Mobile App Development Using Android” from 21-11-2019 to 07-12-2019 organized by Phoenix Infotech
Sneha has done Internship in “Web Development” from 27-11-2019 to 01-12-2019 organized by Oneyes Technologies
DivyaPreetha S has done Internship in “Web Development” from 27-11-2019 to 01-12-2019 organized by Oneyes Technologies
MahilMerleen has done Internship in “PHP” from 03-12-2019 to 08-12-2019 organized by E-Wall Solutions
Mathan has attended “Workshop Session On Android Development, Web Development And Cyber Security” from04-12-2019 to 04-03-2020 organized by Thiagarajar College of Engineering and Code Bind Technologies
Renish S has done Internship in “IOT” from 24-12-2019 to 28-12-2019 organized by Codebind Technologies
Renish S has gone for Hackathon in “Project using Arduino IDE” from 24-12-2019 to 29-12-2019 organized by Codebind Technologies
NandhiniKumari S has gone for Internship in “C programming” from 25-12-2019 to 29-12-2019 organized by UniqTechnologies
G.A has won A.S.K.S.Thangarajan-Sakunthala Devi Gold Medal Endowment in College Annual Day on March 2020 organized by Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology
Abirami T has completed the certification in Webinar Course On Problem Solving Skillson 12-04- 2020
G.Ahas completed the certification in AWS 2 Badges (AWS Inventor, Cloud Computing) on 22-04- 2020organised by ICT Academy
G.Ahas completed the certification course in Deep Learning On Ramp on 04-05- 2020 organized by Math Works
Keerthanahas completed the certification course in Deep Learning On Ramp on 04-05- 2020 organized by Math Works
Shas completed the certification course on Seven Days On Android Apps Development from 04-05- 2020 to 10-05-2020organized by Apptronix Technologies In Collaboration With Sandip Institute Of Engineering & Management - Nashik – Maharashtra
G.Ahas completed the certification course in VM Ware IT Academy - Software Defined Storage Conceptson 05-05- 2020 organized by ICT Academy
G.A has completed the certification course in Introduction To Packet Traceron 07-05- 2020 organized by CISCO
Thenmozhihas completed the certification course in Cybersecurity Essentials on 15-05- 2020 organized by CISCO
Janani has attended a Webinar On Web Application Development on 16-05-2020 organised by PSNA College Of Engineering And Technology
Thenmozhi has attended a Webinar On "Embracing Open Source -An Introduction To Open Source Stack"on 17-05-2020 organised by PSNA College Of Engineering And Technology
D.Rajashreehas completed the certification course in New India Learnathon 2020 from May 2020 to June 2020 organized by ICT Academy
Subha M has attended National Level E-Quiz on Mathematical Aptitude on 05-06-2020 organised by St.Antony's College Of Arts & Science For Women, Dindugal
Subha M has attended E-Quiz on MATH JIGSAW 2020 on 13-06-2020 organised by Hindusthan College Of Arts And Science
Keerthana R has attended Tech Python 20 E- Quiz on 15-06-2020 organised by Jeppiaar Engineering College
Subha M has attended E-Quiz on MATH INTELLECTfrom 17-06-2020 to 19-06-2020organised by Dr.N.G.P. Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore
Ponmathi has completed the Certification course in “Quiz –Basics of chemistry” on 02.07.2020 at Misrimal Navajee Munoth Jain Engineering College.
Ponmathi has participated in Hackathon on ” Quiz on Fitness and Wellness “ from 03.07.2020 to 04.07.2020 at SCAD College Of Engineering And Technology.
Ponmathi R has completed the Certification course in “C Tutorial Course” on 06-07-2020 at Sololearn.
Bavithra has attended the Conference in “Challenge Café” on 18-07-2020 at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology.
Bavithra has attended the Conference in “International Webinar On Polymer In Engineering” on 31-07-2020 at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology.
Bavithra has attended “Online Webinar On Amazon Cloud Platform Overview” on 01-08-2020 at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology.
PrasanaKumar N has attended the Conference in “Webinar On Amazon Cloud Platform Overview “ on 01.-08-2020 at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology Virudhunagar
Ponmathi R has completed the Certification course “Mathematical Think In Computer Science” in Coursera on 31-08-2020.
Ganeshguru has completed the Certification course “Free Code Camp Javascript Course” on 09-09-2020 in Free Code Camp.
Jeyashree has attended the Conference in “Emerging Trends And Technological Innovations In Computational Intelligence” on 27-03-2021 at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology
PrasanaKumar N has attended the Conference in “E-conference On Emerging Trends And Technological Innovations In Computational Intelligence” on 27-03-2021 at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology
Sakthi Ganesh has attended the Conference in “Emerging Trends And Technological Innovations In Computational Intelligence” on 27-03-2021 at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology.
Bharathi Muthu M has attended the Conference in “Emerging Trends And Technological Innovations In Computational Intelligence” on 27-03-2021 at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology.
R Divya Shree has attended the Conference in “E-Conference On Emerging Trends And Technological Innovations In Computational Intelligence” on 27-03-2021 at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology.
C has attended the Conference in “E - Conference On Emerging Trends And Technological Innovations In Computational Intelligence” on 27-03-2021 at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology.
Sowmya Shree has attended the Conference in “E-Conference On Emerging Trends And Technological Innovations In Computational Intelligence” on 27-03-2021 at KamarajCollege Of Engineering And Technology.
R Divya Shree has attended the Conference in”E-Conference On Emerging Trends And Technological Innovations In Computational Intelligence” on 27-03-2021 at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology.
Sowmya Shree has attended the Conference in “E-Conference On Emerging Trends And Technological Innovations In Computational Intelligence” on 27-03-2021 at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology.
Umamaheshwari has attended the Conference in “E-Conference On Emerging Trends And Technological Innovations In Computational Intelligence” on 27-03-2021 at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology.
Jainul Mufafika has attended the Conference in “E-Conference On Emerging Trends And Technological Innovations In Computational Intelligence” on 27-03-2021 at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology.
Bavithra has attended the Conference in “E-Conference On Emerging Trends And Technological Innovations In Computational Intelligence” on 27-03-2021 at Kamaraj College Of Engineering And Technology.
PrasanaKumar N has attended the Conference in “EquizOn Mathematics” on 21-05-2021 at Lords Institute Of Engineering And Technology, Hyderabad
Bavithra has completed the Certification course in “Mathematics & It's Application” on 21-05-2021 at Lords Institute Of Engineering And Technology.
Deva Dharshini. S has completed the Certification course in “Computer Vision Algorithms” on 03-06-2021 at Kalasalingam Academy Of Research And Education
Jeyashree has attended the Workshop in “Full Stack Developer:2021 Career Kick Starter” on 23-09-2021 conducted by Skill Safari.
Umamaheshwari has completed the Certification courses in Solo Learn during 04-09-2019 to 01-06-2021.
Naveeen has participated Hackathon in “E-Yantra Robotics Competition 2020-2021” organized by IIT Bombay.
S has participated in various NSS / NCC Activities (Integrated Government Online Training), Online Quiz Competition, Heartfulness Education Program(Help) in the period of JUNE 2020, JAN 2021, JUNE 2021 at Thiyagarajar College, JatanSwaroop Post Graduate College (U.P), Women's Christian College and S.I.V.E.T College.
S has completed the Certification course on “Python” in Solo Learn and Cisco(Cybersecurity Essentials, Entreprenurship, Introduction To Packet Tracer, Introduction To Iot) in the period of OCTOBER 2019, MAY 2020.
N. Prasanna Kumar, (2019 – 2023 Batch) honoured by our Principal for his wonderful work in developing Institutional Modules.
D.Jeevitha Raj and G.Aravindh Narayanan (2020 – 2024 Batch) won cash prize of Rs. 1 Lakh in the Grand Finale in Unisys Innovation Contest under the guidance of Dr. R. Muthuselvi, Professor / CSE.
Sivasankar.K, Jeyesh Vishnu.S, Venkatesh.S, Naveenarya.K.S, Abhilakshmitha.P, Santhiya Devi.M (2020 – 2024 Batch)CSE & ADS students worked using Django Framework in the NEW WEBSITE DESIGN of Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology under the Guidance of Dr. P. Praveen Kumar, AP/CSE.
G. Aravind Narayanan, D. Jeevitha Raj and S. Horrish Kumar acted as Resource Persons in ISTE sponsored "Block Smith” One day workshop on 17-05-2022 conducted for second year CSE and AD.
G.Vinoth, J.Manoah, R.Jeyanthan, R.K.Vigneswaran students team received soft funding of Rs.10,000 – Rs. 20,000 per project from ACIC KIF.
K.Saravana Balaji, G.A.Yashwant Ram, T.Subash, T.Kannan students won first place in the event “Technobuzz” conducted at Sethu Institute of Technology (IMPAKTO 18.5).
S.Ubesh Karthick, S.Basil Tamil Selvan, S.Sahanarini, A.Balaji, S.Amrita, S.Angeline Rebbeca Team Name: CYBER CUBE selected for next level in SMART INDIA HACKATHON 2022 under the guidance of Dr. R. Ramya, ASP/CSE
M. Bharathi Muthu, K. Kailash, S. Karthick Prabhu, S. Dhanish Rubhan WINNER AT “MAPATHON CONTEST” conducted by FOSSEE, IIT BOMABY under the guidance of Mrs. K. Muthulakshmi, AP/CSE.
A.N.Dinesh, N.Prasana Kumar, A.Torfee Raj, V. Hari Prasad students project proposal titled "Virtual Assistant Chatbot for Government Schemes" for GovTechThon, Tirunelveli Team, has been selected for the next stage - 05.01.2022.
S. Dharshini has successfully completed the Foundational level in Programming and Data Science, IIT Madras - Apr – 2022
Mr.Thirumurugan, as a team leader and along with the team members R.Rahul and Mr.J.P.Divakar, have been awarded, the citation as State level full stacker at “Intermediate Level”, for being among the top 50 teams for Android App development under the guidance of Mr.G.Srinivasan and Ms.K.Muthulakshmi
Pravin Raja. N (2019 – 2023 Batch) won Winner- group Silambattam, Malaysia- 2019-20 Official Attempt- Guinness Book of records Runner (duo)- state level dance competition, Winner- state level dance competition at Kalasalingam College of Engineering- 2021-22, and won 3rd Prize -National Techno Cultural Fest at Sona college of Engineering.
Raja Aswin - I CSE B, Nagendra kumar won 1st prize in Symposium -"JEONTUZ" 22 on 18.6.2022.
Aakash kumar B, Arul kumaran S, Kathir vel A, Raja Aswin T, Manojkumar R won 1st prize in Symposium -"JEONTUZ" 22 on 18.6.2022 at National Engineering College.
Banu Subiksha M and Gannigaa.S won 2nd prize in Symposium -"JEONTUZ" 22 on 18.6.2022 at National Engineering College.
Raja Aswin won 1st prize in Symposium -"JEONTUZ" 22 on 18.6.2022 at National Engineering College.
Gannigaa.S won 3rd prize in Symposium -"JEONTUZ" 22 on 18.6.2022 at National Engineering College.
R. Vishnu Priya won 1st position in the event Triple Jump, 100 m hurdles and 2nd position in 4x100 m Relay - Anna University Zonal Tournaments 2022 - 2023 Anna University Sports Board, Chennai held at Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, from 10.12.2022 to 11.12.2022.
N. Deepika Shri and M. Peria Mahalakshmi won III Prize in the Event Circuit Renovate ALTANZIA 2K23 at National Level Technical Symposium Organized by National Engineering College, Kovilpatti on 3 & 4 March 2023
B. Harshini won 1st Prize in the Event Relate and Unite at ALTANZIA 2K23 at National Level Technical Symposium Organized by National Engineering College, Kovilpatti on 3 & 4 March 2023.
V. Suthan and B. Akshay Pranav won 1st Prize in the Event Action and Words at ALTANZIA at National Level Technical Symposium Organized by National Engineering College, Kovilpatti on 3 & 4 March 2023.
V. Nuttrenai won I Prize and S. Sivasaarathi won II Prize in Talk Show Competition held at Hanuman Mandapam, Virudhunagar on 09.10.2022
N. Deepika Shri won I Prize in Photography and II Prize in Paper Presentation, a National Level Technical Symposium at the EEEROXIA’22 Organized by Sri Vidya Vollege of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar on 06.10.2022.
II and III Year students participated in Baseketball Zonel Level match and won 3rd prize which was held at NPR College of Engineering and Technology Natham, Madurai.
S. Sahanarini, participated and bagged Second place (Regional Level) in the Youthtalk conducted by the ICT Academy on October, 2022 in PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul
R. Vishnu Priya won 1st position in the event Triple Jump, 100 m hurdles & long jump and 3rd prize in 100 m & cash prize of Rs. 7000/- CM Tropy held at SDAT stadium Virudhunagar in the month of March 2023
S.Ubesh Karthick, S.Basil Tamil Selvan, S.Sahanarini, S.Amrita, R. G. Uma Dharshini participated in the Smart India Hackathon 2022, and the team was shortlisted for the finals which was held at Gunupur, Odisha under the guidance of Dr. R. Ramya, ASP/CSE
A. Sabarikanth has participated in VIRUDHUNAGAR DISTRICT AMATEUR TABBA BODY BUILDING AND PHYSIQUE ASSOCIATION and secured Third Place in the 60kg Category at the Best Physique held the at Sivakasi on 26.01.2023
Our College Volley Ball team won 3rd prize in Zonal Level Volley Ball match, held at Bharath Niketan Engineering College conducted by Anna University
P. Krishna Harni won 3rd prize in the event outside the box at PSR Engineering College, Sivakasi
S. R. Niranchana Shree won 1st prize in the event Hire me at PSR Engineering College, Sivakasi
C. S. Hemshika Harini Devi won 1st prize int the event Stress Manager at AAA College of Engineering & Technology
T. R. Yaswant, and D. Nanda Guru Pandiyan, II CSE A attended Symposium at Hindustan College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore on 10/02/2023 Friday and won First prize (cash prize Rs.300/-) in Ideathon event.
Vishnupriya. R, Sanjunaa. R.R, Angeline Rebecca. S Final Year project team won the OVERALL BEST PROJECT AWARD (out of all the circuit branches) in Technovision 2023 held at Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology.
S. R. Barath David and S. Sri Sharan Prakash attended Ethical Hacking Megamind workshop certificate conducted by NIKISTIAN MEDIA Pvt. Ltd..
R. Manoj Kumar and B. Aakash Kumar received 1st prize in Paper Presentation at Sethu Institute of Technology.
R. Priya Dharshini, S. Kaviya Sri Vaipava and J. Ashika Deulin have won 1st Prize in the event of MYSTERY BOX with a cash prize Rs.1,000/- conducted by Mepco Schlenk College
S. Soban Raj won First Prize in CSE Symposium Logo Designing contest at PSNA College of Engineering and Technology
S. Ruthick Sree won 3rd prize in the Event Idiom Finder at the State Level Intercollegiate Library Carnival held at VVV College Virudhunagar
G. Kamalakannan participated in All India SD/JD Trekking Expedition Andhra Pradesh Trek-1 (2022)
B. Abinayasaraswathi Won 2nd price (runner) Rs. 2000 cash prize at Sethu Institute of Technology.
S. KIRUTHIKA participated in District Level – Yoga Competition
Our NCC Cadet R. Bharath has been selected to attend Army Attachment Camp (AAC) with Army Infantry Unit from 06.03.2023 to 17.03.2023 at Chennai
M.Ganesa Moorthy, N. Pravin Raja and Team won I Prize in Group Dance Event in TALENTINE’22, an Inter College Fest Organized by J’S BOUNZZZNG FEET DANCE STUDIO, Kovilpatti on 28.08.2022
Sarvash.S.S , Praveen A , and Venkatesh Kannan M.S won 1st Prize – Rs. 1000 Cash Award in the event Projectastic held at Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai
G.R. Nithish Kumar and K.S. Naveen Arya won 1st Prize – Rs. 500 Cash Award in the event Irrelevant Reply held at Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai
M.Daniel and U. Gowtham won 2nd Prize – Rs. 100 Cash Award in the event TERMINATOR held at Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai
A. Sharumathi won 1st Prize – Rs.250 Cash Award in the event BRUSHLESS PAINTING held at Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai
M.Peria Mahalakshmi won III Prize in the Event Circuit Renovate at ALTANZIA 2K23(National Level Technical Symposium) Organized by National Engineering College, Kovilpatti on 3 & 4 March 2023
P.Hari Hara Sudhan won I Prize in the Discovery Derelicts Event of GYAN MITRA’23 , a National Level Techno Symposium Conducted by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College during February 17-18,2023.
P.Hari Hara Sudhan won I Prize in the Orange-O-Mania Event of GYAN MITRA’23, a National Level Techno Symposium Conducted by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College during February 17-18,2023
H.M.Santhose won II Prize in the Technical Quiz Event of GYAN MITRA’23 , a National Level Techno Symposium Conducted by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College during February 17-18,2023
N.K.Roshankumar won II Prize in the Web Designing Contest Event of GYAN MITRA’23, a National Level Techno Symposium Conducted by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College during February 17-18,2023
S.Santhosh kumar won I Prize in the Discovery Derelicts Event of GYAN MITRA’23, a National Level Techno Symposium Conducted by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College during February 17-18,2023
S.Santhosh kumar won I Prize in the Orange-O-Mania Event of GYAN MITRA’23 , a National Level Techno Symposium Conducted by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College during February 17-18,2023
S.Sri Shivanuja won II Prize in the Smart Reaper Event of GYAN MITRA’23 , a National Level Techno Symposium Conducted by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College during February 17-18,2023
R.Sivaranjani won I Prize in the Bookmark Creation Competition Organized by VVV College for Women, virudhunagar on 07.02.2023
S.Santhosh kumar won I Prize in the Discovery Derelicts Event of GYAN MITRA’23, a National Level Techno Symposium Conducted by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College during February 17-18,2023
N.K.Roshankumar won II Prize in the Event Buy Beg Borrow in TECHONICS, an Intercollegiate Symposium Organized by Sethu Institute of Technology.
• N.K.Roshankumar won II Prize in the Event Buy Beg Borrow in TECHONICS, an Intercollegiate Symposium Organized by Sethu Institute of Technology
Shakeel Ahmed, Manoj.K, Natheesh.A, Yogesh.R and Henry Jebha.J won 1st Prize with Rs:4000 Cash Prize held at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai on 11/3/2023.
Madhan.S, Girivasan S V and Joshua.T won 2nd Prize with Rs:3000 Cash Prize held at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai on 11/3/2023.
II AD students won Best Domain award (in Computer Science domain) from Mepco Schlenk Engineering College
C. Andal Priya , R. Harini and R. Yuva Sri won 2nd Prize in the Discovery Derelicts Event of GYAN MITRA’23 at National Level Techno Symposium Conducted by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College during February 17-18,2023
K.ZENMATHY and M.ILAKKIYA won 1st prize in the event of PICTOMANIA organized by PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul on 06.06.2022
Sarvash.S.S , A.Praveen and M.S. Venkatesh kannan won 1st prize – Rs. 3000 cash award in the event Idea Presentation, TECHUTSAV - 2k22, conducted by Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai on 28.5.2022
Joshua.T , Harikaran.M.S. and Manick Joe Bevan.A won 3rd prize – Rs.1000 cash award in the event Idea Presentation, TECHUTSAV - 2k22, conducted by Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai on 28.5.2022
Mano sri.R and Sharumathi.A won 3rd prize – Rs.1000 cash award in the event Hit and Fix the Bug, TECHUTSAV - 2k22, conducted by Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai on 28.5.2022
Rishikesh.C won 3rd prize – Rs.1000 cash award in the event Tech and Ladder, TECHUTSAV - 2k22, conducted by Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai on 28.5.2022
P. Krishna Harni, Awarded outstanding performance In TechGig
R. Manosri, A. Sharumathi won 2nd prize in the event Slash it held at National Engineering College Kovilpatti from 23/03/2023 to 24/03/2023
S. Kaviyarajeswari won 1st prize in the event Slash it and 2nd prize in the event Blind Coding held at National Engineering College Kovilpatti from 23/03/2023 to 24/03/2023
S. Gannigaa won 1st prize in the event Tequiz held at National Engineering College Kovilpatti from 23/03/2023 to 24/03/2023
S. Maharanjitham and S. R. Niranjana Shree won 3rd prize in the event Blind Coding held at National Engineering College Kovilpatti from 23/03/2023 to 24/03/2023
M. Santhiyadevi and R. G. Umadharshini won 1st Prize in paper Presentation held at National Engineering College on 23 & 24 March 2023
R. Barath attended NCC Training - Army Attachment Training from 06/03/2023 to 17/03/2023 (12 days) at Army Camp Pallavaram.
D. Govindrajan and G. Arsadh won 1st prize in Treasure Hunt on 18-03-2023 at JP College of Engineering, Tenkasi.
G. Kamalakannan attended NCC Training Health and Wellness on 15-03-2023 at VHNSN College Virudhunagar.
Roshan Kumar.N.K, Sivaprakash.S and Jeyadheesh.N won 1st prize in the event Web App development held at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode on 16/03/2023
Roshan Kumar.N.K and Sivaprakash.S won 2nd prize in the event Coding Mania held at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode on 16/03/2023
K. Sangeetha and C. S. Hemshika Harini Devi won 2nd prize in Pro Shopper held at National Technical Symposium on 24/03/2023 to 25/03/2023 at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.
V. Subalakshmi, participated and bagged first place (National Level) in Mime Performance in the Technical Symposium conducted on 16th March, 2023 by Arasu Engineering College, Kumbakonam.
P. S. Sri Vignov Pandian secured Runner up position at KCT Business School in the Battle of Wits Event.
M.S.Venkatesh Kannan and P. S. Sri Vignov Pandian won 2nd prize in National Technical Symposium in the Event Traze and Greenovation from 24/03/2023 to 25/03/2023 held at PSG College, Coimbatore